Centre for Cardiovascular Genomics and Therapeutics

Revolutionising Cardiovascular Disease Therapies with Big Data Analytics
Revolutionising Cardiovascular Disease Therapies with Big Data Analytics
The potential for genomic medicine to revolutionise healthcare and enable more targeted diagnosis and treatments has become increasingly clear in recent years. While many medications are available for management and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the lack of data to develop precision medicine remains a stumbling block for cardiologists seeking more efficient treatments.
The Centre for Cardiovascular Genomics and Therapeutics (CCGT) was set up to meet this challenge. By implementing a genomic medicine-based translational research programme, it will develop therapies for intractable heart diseases and improve cardiovascular health. The availability of high throughput sequencing has enhanced medical practices and enabled researchers to discover novel genomic insights to optimise clinical management and outcomes for cardiovascular diseases. CCGT aims to facilitate the discovery of new cardiovascular drugs by using patient stem cell-derived disease models as well as relevant animal models.
To translate bench discoveries to improve cardiovascular health and longevity, key research programmes will closely interdigitate, spanning from genomics to metabolomics to therapeutics:
- Cardiovascular Genomics Programme will investigate how specific mutations and the broader genomic context that contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases and their variable responses to drugs and clinical management schemes. The studies are expected to generate new disease and pharmacogenomics molecular diagnostics to facilitate development of precision medicine.
- Cardiovascular Metabolomics Programme will focus on metabolic disturbances in paediatric and adult cardiovascular diseases and their contribution to heart failure. Findings may yield insights into disease mechanisms that may suggest new patient management schemes to improve clinical outcomes, discover new drug targets and even develop novel therapeutics.
- Cardiovascular Repair and Therapeutics Programme will leverage patient-derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) for in-vitro disease modelling in conjunction with in-vivo animal modelling to identify disease causing genes and variants, and elucidate the mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. This can lead to the discovery of new drug targets that promote cardiac regeneration and repair.