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R&D Centres
These research and development centres represent Hong Kong’s burgeoning potential as an international I&T hub. With InnoHK, innovations have the opportunity to be turned into infinite impact that builds a smarter and healthier future for all.

Health@InnoHK test dev
From traditional to pioneering medicine, biological study to bioinformatics and novel drugs and medical devices, the cluster intends to be a holistic research hub on human health.
Eye Health
Centre for Eye and Vision Research

PolyU and Waterloo are both well known for pursuing world-class, innovative research, and both have excellent reputations in eye and vision health research and development. I am delighted that our institutions are launching CEVR in Hong Kong as a significant step in enhancing both our research capacities and collaboration in addressing eye and vision health challenges. I look forward to seeing high-impact translational research and innovative applications from CEVR that can benefit people in the region and around the world.
Prof Benjamin Thompson, Prof Chi-ho To

Centre for Virology, Vaccinology and Therapeutics

Infectious diseases can have devastating health, social and economic consequences locally and globally. By taking this opportunity to set up a research laboratory to conduct collaborative research with world-renowned institutions at InnoHK, CVVT serves as the hub for the incubation of basic research, and the translation of impactful discoveries into applications for the control and prevention of infectious diseases.

Microbiota I-Center (MagIC)

The Microbiota I-Center (MagIC) is determined to harness and empower microbiome into cutting-edge innovations that will transform lives of patients and their families. We are committed to developing novel classes of microbiome diagnostics and therapeutics that will accelerate Hong Kong into a world-class microbiome biotechnology hub.
Professor Siew C. Ng, Professor Francis Chan
Cardiovascular Disease
The Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Health Engineering

COCHE aims to leverage Hong Kong, as an international city at the heart of China’s Greater Bay Area, to establish a health technology ecosystem that can tackle CVDs at scale with its deep talent pool and world-class universities. With easy access to the huge patient pool across the border, we are able to bring technological and social impact worldwide.
Professor YT Zhang, Professor Alison Noble, Professor Raymond HF Chan, Professor David Clifton, Dr Kannie WY Chan, Dr Xinge Yu, Professor Yihai Cao

Centre for Oncology and Immunology test dev

I see real potential for meaningful breakthroughs in the treatment of many difficult cancers emerging from the InnoHK initiative. We, at the Centre for Oncology and Immunology, fully support its mission: to conduct world-class and effective collaborative research that will ultimately save lives. By bringing together some of the greatest international minds and institutions in the field, together with Hong Kong’s world-class facilities and expertise, I am confident that the Centre will achieve great success.
Prof. Tak MAK, Prof. Suet-yi Leung

Stem Cell
Centre for Translational Stem Cell Biology

Hong Kong is a ‘meeting point’ for global tech-savvy talent. Its close proximity to cities in the Greater Bay Area makes it the ideal location for advanced stem cell research. At CTSCB, we aim to develop world-leading new technologies and products that address unmet clinical needs in regenerative medicine, organ transplantation, and genomic medicine, which will place Hong Kong at the global forefront in innovation and technology development.
Professor Pengtao Liu

AIR@InnoHK test dev
AI and robotic technologies have the potential to transform the way businesses operate, reinvent the way we live and engage with the world—key concepts this cluster intends to bring to reality.
Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics

InnoHK is an ideal platform for us to further develop the results of our academic research into ready-for-use technologies for the industry. We can enhance research collaboration with global leaders in the field and train robotics and AI talent for Hong Kong too.
Prof. Yunhui LIU, Prof. Masayoshi TOMIZUKA
Data Analysis
Centre for Intelligent Multidimensional Data Analysis

The key to breakthrough is to place strong and innovative engineers and mathematicians with track records for breakthroughs together with this common goal — I am very excited at this unique opportunity.
Hong Yan, Ray Cheung, Terry Lyons
Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

For us, InnoHK’s specific focus on AI and robotics makes it the ideal base for the world-class collaborative projects that CAIR has in the pipeline. More importantly, the infrastructure and community in Hong Kong also help us attract top-notch talent to co-create solutions for the Greater Bay Area.
Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory for AI-Powered Financial Technologies test dev

From idea to innovation, from collaboration to commercialization, from research to reality, we strive to bring together the best of talents, the application and tools of modern financial theories, to harness the power of AI and Big Data and build an exciting fintech future.
Prof Houmin YAN
Public Health
Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health

We are bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of the world’s leading scientists to apply big data and AI in ways that will transform our approaches to understanding and treating disease. We are harnessing collaboration between East and West, across multiple disciplines and sectors, to advance the frontiers of healthcare technology in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and beyond to produce ‘moonshots’ that will have tremendous healthcare benefits for global health.
Centre of Hong Kong Quantum AI Lab test dev

We bring together experimentalists, computational scientists and data scientists to tackle the pressing challenges in OLED, lithium-ion battery, and emerging machine learning assisted materials research. The Centre is poised to accelerate the discovery and application of next generation materials for OLED and solid-state lithium-ion battery with data science, and establish Hong Kong as a global hub of AI research, development and commercialisation.
Prof. Guanhua Chen